EastSide Art: August Preview
Tomato Art Show at Art and Invention Gallery
1106 Woodland St
The Tomato Art Show, the tomato-themed art exhibition which inspired a tomato movement in East Nashville 15 years ago, opens free to the public Saturday, August 11, and will remain on view through September 9, 2018. A Tomato Art Show Preview Party will be offered Friday, August 10, 6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., at the same location. Always a popular event, the Tomato Art Preview Party offers the art lover a wonderful night of sights, sounds and flavors!Party-goers get to be the first to view this year’s tomato art while enjoying music, libations, and tomato-inspired food provided by Citizens Kitchen. Image: Marshall Hall’s The Persistence of Marinara
Moons Of Another at Red Arrow Gallery
919 Gallatin Ave #4
Bethany Carlson
Red Arrow Gallery is pleased to announce a new exhibition, Moons of Another, a solo show with Bethany Carlson. The artist reception for Moons Of Another opens on Saturday August 11th, 2018 and runs through September 2nd, 2018.
Bethany Carlson’s drawings employ a practice of addition and subtraction. Through her chosen medium of charcoal and graphite, her detailed and delicate black and white drawings challenge the eye on what is being seen. “These works employ imagery of a space that can scarcely be reached or examined. As such, they are defined more by absence than by presence. They are linked to a void that is often charged with mystery and wonder. Much like the thoughts and experiences of those no longer living, these spaces are deeply meaningful to ponder and impossible to fully comprehend.” – Bethany Carlson, Moons Of Another statement, 2018
Bethany Carlson is an artist and teacher living and working in Peoria, IL. She earned her BFA from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, IL and her MFA from New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM. She teaches at Bradley University and Illinois Central College. Her work features drawings, paintings, and sculptures that are often delicate, pensive, and funereal in nature. This is her second show in Nashville and with the Red Arrow Gallery.
919 Gallatin Ave #13
Image by Andrée Bustamente
“Persona” is Spanish for person, also known as a human being, a fact that our government has forgotten. The exhibit serves to humanize marginalized communities, dehumanized by politicians who treat others as unworthy. Curator and artist Andrés Bustamante intends to see the power of Nashville in unity; utilizing art and community as the catalyst for social impact. The work speaks to the reality that humans are worthy of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
A diverse melting pot of established and rising artists are curated from varied communities and perspectives, to start this conversation and stand in solidarity with one another.
In wake of the current administration's bewildering implementation of their zero-tolerance policy, and Tennessee’s anti-immigrant law HB 2315, “Persona” #KeepFamiliesTogether fundraising efforts will administer relief to immigrant and refugee families by benefiting the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC).
“HB 2315 - The law prohibits common-sense local policies that promote community trust and public safety, makes Tennessee a dangerous place for immigrant families, and cements our reputation as one of the most hostile and unwelcoming states in the nation. This legislation requires that local governments and law enforcement act as deportation agents and carry out federal immigration enforcement.” - TIRRC
Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition [TIRRC] is a statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration whose mission is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout Tennessee to develop a unified voice, defend their rights, and create an atmosphere in which they are recognized as positive contributors to the state. For more information on Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Coalition (TIRRC), please visit: https://www.tnimmigrant.org/
AM Hassan
AM Hassan at Poverty & The Arts
1207 Dickerson Pike
Starting in August, all of our artists impacted by homelessness will continue to exhibit their works in the main gallery space; however; each month, a new artist will have the opportunity to exhibit on our Featured Gallery wall by selecting a theme, creating and curating works, composing an artist statement, and assisting the staff in creative ways to advertise and promote their Featured Artist Exhibition.
Meet August's Featured Artist:
AM Hassan
"My art is to share with others the beauty that I see in Allah's Creation."
Read more about AM Hassan here: http://povertyandthearts.org/meet-am-hassan
Browse AM Hassan's collection of works here: http://povertyandthearts.org/shop-by-artist/am-hassan/
RESISTomato: Art. Activism, Community + Vendor Fair
Woodland St. and S11th St.
Cassie Lopez and Sarah Walton
Day of Activism during East Nashville Tomato Art Fest. This year, the primary focus of annual event is on multiple local groups who will be tabling/canvasing/fundraising.
*this event is held in memory of Jessi Zazu*
Community Oversight Now
Worker's Dignity
Middle TN Democratic Socialists
Medicare for All
Jessi Zazu Inc.
Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ)
Against The Stream Nashville
Get Out the Vote
& others
Event will also feature feminist/queer artists & crafters selling righteous stuff, ZINES, vintage clothing, etc. --->
- Siren Moon Zone Art
- Siren Moon Zone Fundraiser [art + vintage for a cause] tomato themed pieces from Siren Moon Zone and friends (CHLOE KAT, Molly Rocket, Nightswim, Soren Bryce) and some of Molly Rocket's vintage will be raising funds for Jessi Zazu Inc.
- Clothing swap - bring up to 10 items, take as many as you bring
- Criminal Moon Vintage pop up by Jinx Cain
- FemiStitch- Cassie Wade's deliciously sassy cross stitch & art
- Evey In Orbit- zines & art by Veronica Leto Burgos
- Niki Albertson's White Crane Gifts amazing handmade jewelry
- Diana Byrd's art & jewelry
- Cybelle Elena Pop up - handmade velvet lingerie + vintage
- Molly Rocket Vintage + Clothing
- Catrina Renee' Higgs paintings
- David Noel Art artwork
- Acoustic sets by CHLOE KAT, Whoa Dakota, fauna halø, Kelly Hoppenjans + more
- Poetry by Cyn Corrigible of Graduates Rise
- Poetry by Nina Mariah Donovan
- Story by Kristen Chapman Gibbons
- Comedy by Cortney Warner
- free astrological readings by Andrea
- make a mini-zine table
Event is held at a private home right next to festival. Day will be followed by private party for members of local activist groups.
House & yard are wheelchair accessible. Please contact Sarah Walton with questions or concerns about accessibility.
Event Artwork: a remix of original artwork by the fabulously talented Cassie Lopez. Tomatoes made angrier for this time period by Sarah Walton.
Ryan Nobel & Courtney Spencer: New Work at Green Gallery in Eastside Station
805 Woodland St
Ryan Nobel + Courtney Spencer
Turnip Green Creative Reuse is pleased to present work by multimedia artists Ryan Noble and Courtney Spencer at our Green Gallery at Eastside Station! We hope you will join us for a public reception Saturday, August 11 from 6pm-9pm during the East Side Art Stumble.
Ryan Noble's "sane world" is a deposition in the aftermath of orbiting the psyche and landing safely yet uncomfortably back in the real sane world. The works represent two parts of the journey. Time as an idea and the playfulness of reality.
Courtney Spencer's work centers around reconstructing repurposed materials to create new interpretations that might go unnoticed in their original form. These works, combined with the use of color, scale, and symmetry, seek to prove that junk is not junk--- every unique bit and piece has multiple layers of meaning waiting to be realized.
Don't forget to swing by Turnip Green Creative Reuse after you visit Eastside Station for our opening reception of The Collector, a solo exhibition by artist Carrie Cox. There will be more refreshments, and an interactive paper weaving project!
Joseph Heckle, Colin Shriver, Nakia Betz at Story Forge
720 Rundle Ave
Joseph Heckle, Colin Shriver, and Nakia Betz
Hey y'all, you are invited to come out to Story Forge on Saturday AUGUST 4TH from 6pm-9pm in conjunction with the first Saturday Art Crawl to mingle and see BEAUTIFUL work exhibited by the following local artists: Joseph Heckle, Colin Shriver, Nakia Betz
Find out more about the artists and see a sample of their work on our website: https://www.storyforgenashville.com/current-events/art-crawl-august-4th
John Cannon Fine Art
1108 Woodland St
John Cannon
The big week is finally here. The 15th annual Tomato Art Festival will be this Friday, August 10 from 6-9 and Saturday, August 11 from 9-6 (or whenever you stop coming by). I have several new works from the silly to the abstract for sale this year, and I think you will like them. Art & Invention is having their regular Preview Party Friday night, and the studio, which is right next door to Art& Invention, will be open as well. There is no charge to visit my studio.