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Registration For Nashville Studio Tour 2018 Now Open

Open Studios Nashville - Spring 2018 registration is now open!  Click the links below to either register or to view the event's page.  The event page will be updated regularly to include the artists and studios registered as stops on the tour.  Artist/venue registration is free and takes about a minute to complete. Click on the "Registry" button below and fill out form C to register as an artist.

Open Studios Nashville is a city-wide artist and maker studio tour that offers the chance to meet local artists, see the spaces where they work, and learn about their creative process. Large group studio spaces available for tour like Platetone, 100 Taylor Arts Collective, and Ground Floor Gallery & Studios, represent artists in East Nashville, historic Germantown, and Wedgewood-Houston, and make it simple to visit several studios in one stop. Omnifold will be offering a printed and online map of all registered studios, with suggested routes marked, available May 20th. Visitors are encouraged to explore on their own, take a bike tour, or join local Omnifold curators and arts professionals on map-marked studio visits.

OSN Spring 2018 occurs on Saturday, May 26th from noon to 6pm and is free and open to the public.  Keep an eye on for future updates.

Top image: David Onri Anderson's studio from OSN Fall 2017